So, I'm well into my second year now and I'm starting to get used to the pressure of it all. It's so much more intense than the first year, which obviously I should have expected, I just didn't think it would be so much so soon, but yeah, getting on top of it now. Got a serious to do list going on!
Finally setlled on a sketchbook for the corset project! Wanted something a little bit different so I went on the paperchase website and found this:

I want to make some stencils and spray paint the front of it gold and add some sequins and finishing touches but I won't do that until near hand in time, as up into then it'll be following me around in my hand bag and will no doubt get a little beaten up!
I don't know why but this project intimidates me a little.. I think I just need to throw myself into it and not think about what I'm doing. I always do this though, I get given a project that excites me and I never know where to start. I'll let you know how I get on with it all anyway, I have the Dita Von Tease book to look through as she wears corsets similar to the style that'd suit the model I'm making mine for, and I have a book on fabric manipulation to go through and hopefully become inspired by, we'll see how I get on with it, I always change my mind.
Worked out we have 9 projects to have done before Christmas, so I think now is a good time to say goodbye to my social life and hello to late nights and red bulls! Love the chaos of it all, the stress makes me feel like I'm actually doing something with my life, rather than sitting in every day, doing the same thing day in, day out. And it's always worth it in the end. Can't wait to do the corset/basque presentations, that day will creep up on me really quickly!
I'll be updating this often anyway, no doubt ranting or stressing about something! And the posts will mainly consist of Contour, or, my weight loss progress. I won't go into to much detail about that right about now, but I've lost 18 pounds in the last 2 months, so I'm well on my way to reaching my goal, it's just taking longer than I'd have liked. I just want to be happy with how I look again. Gets a bit much when getting dressed every day is a battle.
We'll see.
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