I start my new job on Tuesday and It's safe to say I'm really bloody nervous!!
I applied for the position as a Trend Assistant at Gossard back in March and didn't hear anything for weeks, I was gutted! I still have a year left at Uni so to get a job before leaving would have been a dream come true really, knowing I have a job to go into as soon as I left rather than worrying about money or if I can even find a job in the area I've studied so hard in, so a month or so of silence was really disheartening.
But, about 2 weeks ago I got an email through saying I'd been successful and they want me to start on the 31st of May! <3
I have no idea what to wear, how to have my hair, shall I wear flats or heels?!
The dress code is 'smart casual' so it's not really formal which is good, but at the same time I have no money until pay day NEXT month and I'm going to have to pull a work wardrobe out of nowhere.. Scary! I might actually do a blog post tomorrow with outfit ideas because at the minute I can't picture anything that I already own that'd be appropriate. Hmm!
But! Back to the nerves, 2 sleeps.. I'll blog my first day and keep you informed of what's going on, you can come on my nerve wracking first day with me too!
Talk soon lovelies <3 <3
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