Curvy kate and swimwear projects have totally dominated my life these last few weeks!
Swimwear is done, dusted and over with, loved the project and I wish I had more time to carry on with my ideas, but, what I do have I'm pleased with.
We had to choose a brand and a theme to design for, mine being Nichole De Carle ( and with a Nebula being my main theme for inspiration for my print. The colours found in a Nebula are stunning, deep purples and vivid pinks and blues, I felt so inspired! Rather than rambling on about it all, I'll just show a couple of pictures that sum it all up..

Initial nebula print.. was a little too pink so edited it to make the purple more vivid..

Finals on the mannequin after a manic 12 hour sewing day and one the night before too..

And ta daaaaa! Done!

Final hand in presentation display.
Now Curvy Kate, all very exciting! We were set a project by the lovely people from Curvy Kate and gave 6 weeks to produce a sketchbook and garments to show to the brand and lingerie buyer, from the show, they'd choose a fianl ten who would then go onto present formally, showing sketchbooks, illustrations, market research and the garments again on a professinal model. I'm so lucky to be one of the chosen ten who gets to show again! It's all VERY nerve wracking, and compared to the girls who I'm against, I know I won't win as their stuff is just to die for, but just to be recignised is really uplifting after such a crappy few weeks.
I'll show you my stuff anyway <3 Still have a printed baby doll, knickers and dressing gown to make before I show next, but I'm just in such a happy place at the minute.
Can you tell I like purple?
I'll keep you up to date with how I get on with it all anyway! <3
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